Solano Community College Logo, Tree breaking out of half dome.


2022-2023 Academic Year
11/21/2022 To Encourage Parity in Adjunct Support Within Solano Community College District
2021-2022 Academic Year
05/09/2022 Honoring LaNae Jaimez
03/28/2022 Application for Solano College to Become a California Virtual Campus – Online Education Initiative Consortium Member
03/14/2022 Support for the Conferring of the Title Professor Emeritus, Joseph Conrad, PhD
03/14/2022 Support for Students Who Serve on Faculty Hiring Committees
11/22/2021 Honoring and Thanking Sheila Kaushal, Past Academic Senate Administrative Assistant Extraordinaire
10/11/2021 State of Emergency 
2020-2021 Academic Year
05/17/2021 Resolution on Land Acknowledgement and Recognition
04/19/2021 Statement in Support of our AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islander) Community and Student
03/29/2021 Call to the SCC Faculty to Hold Office Hours in the Academic Success and Tutoring Center
03/15/2021 Call to the SCC Campus Community to Support the Adoption of Zero Cost/Low Cost Course Materials
11/16/2020 Supporting Programs Disproportionally Impacted by the Shift to Online Learning
08/31/2020 Honoring Pei-Lin Van't Hul, Claudia Fenti, and Tingan Weng
8/31/2020 Honoring Lisa Abbott
08/31/2020 Honoring Erica Beam and Carol Zadnik
08/31/2020 Honoring Jim DeKloe, Ferdinanda Florence, and Andrew Wesley
2019-2020 Academic Year
02/03/2020 Commitment of the Academic Senate of Solano Community College to the 2020 Graduation and Commencement Ceremony
11/04/2019 In Support of the Vallejo Center, our Vallejo Students, and the Vallejo Community
2018-2019 Academic Year
10/15/2018 Undocumented Students Week of Action
2017-2018 Academic Year
05/14/2018 Honoring Michael Wyly
05/14/2018 Honoring Kenneth Wilson Williams
04/19/2018 Support for ASSC and Solano Students Action as Part of The #NeverAgain Campaign
01/11/2018 Commitment of the Academic Senate of Solano Community College to the 2018 Graduation and Commencement Ceremony
09/11/2017    Resolution Condeming Hate and Violence   
2016-2017 Academic Year
04/17/2017 Commitment of the Academic Senate of Solano Community College to the 2017 Graduation and Commencement Ceremony
12/12/16 Endorse Local Actions by the Solano Community College Academic Senate and the Solano Community College District [SCCD] Board of Trustees in Defense of Equity for All Students, Faculty and Staff, including the Designation of SCCD as a “Sanctuary Campus”
2015-2016 Academic Year
01/25/2016 Commitment of the Academic Senate of Solano Community College to 2016 Graduation Ceremony and Commencement
11/16/2016 Endorse ASCCC Resolution 9.03(F 15), 9.04 (F 15), 9.05 (F 15) and 9.06 (F 15) for the Development of the Bachelor of Science degree in Bio-Manufacturing
10/19/2015 Equal Access
10/19/2015 To  Encourage Faculty Interest and Involvement in Support of a Partnership Between the Department of Correction and Rehabiliation and Solano Communinity College District






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