
ACCJC Evaluation Team Visit 2017

Monday, October 2 – Thursday, October 5, 2017

ACCJC Evaluation Team Members


Dr. Carole Goldsmith
President, Fresno City College

Dr. Carole Goldsmith

Dr. Goldsmith has been recognized on state and national levels as an expert on workforce development, contextualized learning, and career technical education. 

She is sought out as a public speaker on a wide range of educational issues. Goldsmith has spent over 20 years in a variety of educational leadership roles, most recently as President of Fresno City College.

Before taking the helm at Fresno City College on August 1, 2016, Goldsmith served as President of West Hills College Coalinga for nearly four years. Prior to that, Dr. Goldsmith held the office of Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Workforce Development at West Hills for four years. She started her career of service as a K-12 teacher at a small rural school, then as an administrator at an adult school and at a private post-secondary college. Dr. Goldsmith still visits the classroom as an adjunct professor at the university level.

Dr. Goldsmith has extensive expertise in building collaboration among faculty and industry, workforce investment boards, and postsecondary educational agencies in order to identify and provide opportunities for students to gain the necessary skills and knowledge for future employment in high demand fields. While at Fresno Unified, the California Department of Education awarded the vocational programs which she oversaw the coveted “Program of Excellence” designation. In 2011, she was on loan to lead the Central California Community Colleges Committed to Change Consortium (C6) $19.9 million TAACCCT grant educational reform efforts.

Most recently, she is serving on the Board of Governors Task Force on Workforce, Job Creation and a Strong Economy. The California Community Colleges Board of Governors commissioned the Task Force with a goal to increase individual and regional economic competitiveness by providing California’s workforce with relevant skills and quality credentials that match employer needs and fuel a strong economy.

Dr. Goldsmith has served on a number of other boards, including United Way, California Community College Administrators of Occupational Education, and the San Joaquin Clean Energy Organization. Dr. Goldsmith was appointed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and later reappointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. to serve on the Board of Directors of the California Partnership for the San Joaquin Valley.

She was awarded the Mariann Loniello Award from the California Community College Association of Community and Continuing Education in recognition for her work in education and economic development, and she was recognized by the California State University Alumni Association Working for California initiative for her advancement of workforce education. Recently, she was named Outstanding Alumna by Fresno State Division of Graduate Studies.

Dr. Goldsmith believes that great cities include high performing education systems and understands the importance of education in providing opportunity to change lives and communities.

She earned her Doctorate of Education from the Joint Doctorate Program offered by California State University, Fresno and University of California, Davis.


Ms. Cyndie Luna
Communication Instructor, Faculty Accreditation Liaison Officer
Fresno City College

Ms. Cyndie Luna currently teaches Communication and coaches Forensics at Fresno City College. She also serves as the Accreditation Liaison Officer. She has been with State Center Community College District since 1998 and has worked in institutional research, planning and program review. She has previously served on the board of the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges, and holds an MA in Speech Communication from California State University, Fresno.

  Academic Representatives

Dr. Linda Caravalho Cooley
Communication Professor
Reedley CollegeDr. Linda Cooley

Dr. Linda Carvalho Cooley is a communication professor at Reedley College in the State Center Community College District. She has been a full time tenured faculty member for 12 years and is an active committee member. Dr. Carvalho Cooley has served on Academic Senate as a Senator, Executive Secretary and Curriculum Chair. As the chair for curriculum she launched CurricUnet college-wide conducting workshops and training. Currently Dr. Carvalho Cooley serves as the co-chair for both the Reedley College Strategic Planning Committee and the State Center Community College District Strategic Planning Committee. As the co-chair for strategic planning she has facilitated workshops, charrettes, alliance meetings and feedback forums. Dr. Carvalho Cooley is also the co-chair of the Reedley College Educational Master Planning (EMP) committee and was instrumental in the completion of the new Reedley College EMP. Dr. Carvalho Cooley has served on the Reedley College Accreditation Steering committee for three cycles.

In her spare time Dr. Carvalho Cooley is a guest lecturer at California State University, Fresno teaching upper division courses in Interpersonal Communication and Instructional Communication. She also loves to travel with her husband, David and recently returned from a trip to the Azores. Her first language is Portuguese and she is very proud of her heritage. Finally, one of her all-time favorite things to do is to spend time with her 2 year old grandson, Ruxin.

Dr. Roland Finger
Instructor of English and Student Learning Outcomes Coordinator
Cuesta College
Roland Finger received his Ph.D. in English from UC Davis and joined the English Department at Cuesta College in 2011. He specializes in composition, creative writing, and American literature.
Dr. Dulce Gray
Instructor of English and Women’s Studies
West Valley CollegeDr. Dulce Gray

Dr. Dulce María Gray is a faculty member of the English Department and Women, Gender and Queer Studies Program at West Valley College in Silicon Valley, California. She teaches in face-to-face and online modes. Currently, she serves as the WVC Director of Study Abroad Program and is actively involved in the college’s eLearning and Global Citizenship Committees. Dr. Gray earned a Master of Arts in 19th Century British Literature, and a Ph.D. in English/Cultural Studies with emphases on Composition Pedagogy and Theory, and Contemporary US Latinx Literature. She has been awarded a Fulbright-Hays to Egypt, an NEH to Central America, and has participated in Yale University’s PIER Institute to Turkey, CIEE’s International Faculty Development Seminar in France, and the Global Citizenship Program for Faculty and Administrators at the Salzburg Global Seminar in Austria. Her publications include two books on the construction of ethnic identity as it intersects with the acquisition of high literacy, and several articles. Dr. Gray is an avid traveler, photographer, and writer of travel narratives. Her current major project focuses on culture-specific pedagogy for teaching college writing to US Latino students.

Dr. Mary Therese Perez Hattori
Outreach Director, Center for Pacific Island Studies
University of Hawaii at ManoaDr. Mary Therese Perez Hattori

Dr. Mary Therese Perez Hattori is a native of Guam and resides on O‘ahu with her son and husband. She holds a B.Ed. and Professional Diploma in Secondary Social Studies, an M.Ed. in Educational Technology, and an Ed.D. in Professional Educational Practice from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. Dr. Hattori is Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Chaminade University of Honolulu and lecturer/affiliate faculty of the University of Hawai’i-Manoa’s programs in Pacific Studies, Indigenous Politics, and Learning Design and Technology. She held the position of Outreach Director for the Center for Pacific Islands Studies at the University of Hawai’i-Manoa from 2015-2017 and from 2002-2015, she was a faculty member at Kapi’olani Community College where as the Coordinator for the Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Technology she was responsible for coordination and management of campus technology, faculty professional development, distance learning, and taught information technology, computer science, and educational technology courses.

Laurel C. Prysiazny
Dean of Instructional Services, Student Success and Learning
Fresno City CollegeLaurel Prysiazny

Laurel Prysiazny started her career in academic libraries, working for the University of Calgary Library for 10 years in Calgary Alberta Canada. While there she catalogued materials in the areas of economics, management and political science. She also supervised a government publications cataloging department and provided direct reference and information services to students and faculty in the Social Sciences area. She went on to spend time working as a reference librarian at Carlton University in Ottawa Ontario Canada.

Most recently, Laurel was the County Librarian for Fresno County, directing the $30M operation with over 330 staff and 37 locations throughout the County. While working for the County, Laurel reduced processing costs by 50% for library materials and restructured the organization to improve staffing allocations and improve communications between branches. She and the library team introduced innovative programs and services such as the WithOut Walls Mobile Library (WoW!), the new Digi-Bus mobile computer lab, and Citizenship Corners to help improve the path to US citizenship. During Laurel’s tenure, Measure B, the Library’s 1/8 sales tax was also renewed for the longest period (16 years) and the highest voter approval rating (73.27%) ever.

Laurel also worked as Deputy Director for the Burton Barr Central Library in Phoenix where she reorganized and modernized operations for the 280,000 sq. ft. facility. Prior to that, she worked for the Long Beach Public Library as Associate Director for the Main Library as well as Manager for the Automated Services Bureau.

Laurel is a new American as of 2016 and is thrilled to call the United States her home.

Dr. Kathleen Welch
Vice President of Instruction/Assistant Superintendent
Cabrillo College

Dr. Kathleen Welch serves as Assistant Superintendent/Vice President of Instruction at Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz County. Dr. Welch began her community college career as a Nursing faculty member at College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, CA. In addition to being a faculty member in Nursing at College of the Canyons, Dr. Welch became the Director of Nursing and Allied Health. In 2000, Dr. Welch and her family moved to Aptos where she was hired as the Director of Nursing and Allied Health at Cabrillo College. In 2003, Dr. Welch became the Dean of the division at Cabrillo College that includes Health, Athletics, Wellness, and Kinesiology. In 2013, Dr. Welch began her current position at Cabrillo College.

 Administrative Representatives

Dr. Baba Adam
Dean of Institutional Effectiveness
Merced CollegeDr. Baba Adam

Dr. Adam graduated from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma with a Doctorate in Education in 1995. Dr. Adam’s current professional assignment is being the Dean of Institutional Effectiveness at Merced College. Prior to his current assignment Dr. Adam was the District Director of Institutional Research for the Butte-Glenn Community College District / Butte College at Oroville California for nine years. In addition, Dr. Adam has taught graduate courses on Educational Research as Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University as well as worked for several years as a researcher for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s – Academic Planning and Resource Allocation (APRA/Research) Division.

Dr. Adam is an active member of the Association for Institutional Research, California Association for Institutional Research, The Research and Planning (RP) Group and Society for College and University Planners (SCUP). Dr. Adam has several years’ experience working as the Liaison Officer to the regional accreditation agencies and has been a member of several ACCJC-WASC evaluation team / self-study site visits.

Mr. Tim Flood
Vice President, Business & Financial Affairs
Southwestern CollegeMr. Tim Flood

Tim Flood is the Vice President of Business and Financial Affairs, and has served as the chief financial officer for Southwestern Community College District (SCCD) for 1 ½ years. In this role he has overall responsibility for areas that include Financial Operations and Treasury, Facilities, Capital Construction, Purchasing and Contracts, Campus Police, Payroll, Risk Management, Central Services, and Auxiliary Services. Tim is responsible for the development and effective management of College’s administrative, fiscal, logistical and physical resources.

Prior to his role at the SCCD, Flood worked at Grossmont College where he held several administrative positions over a fifteen year period including: Director of Campus Facilities, Operations and Maintenance; and Vice President Administrative Services. Tim has also served as the interim President of Grossmont College and acting Superintendent/President of Southwestern Community College District during their presidential search processes.

He has been instrumental in the development, approval, and oversight of three successful proposition 39 general obligation bond campaigns totaling almost $1 billion dollars. The lasted bond, a $400 million capital construction bond was approved by over 70% of the voters within Southwestern College’s service area this last November.

Tim Flood holds a Bachelor of Science degree in accountancy, and Master of Public Administration, with an emphasis in finance.

Dr. John Mosby
Vice President, Student Services
Mission CollegeDr. John Mosby

Dr. Mosby has been serving higher education for over 23 years. As Vice President, Dr. Mosby oversees the Student Services unit of the College, including all categorical programs, Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, Health Services, Counseling, International Studies, Athletics and a number of other programs and services. In addition, Dr. Mosby provides direction and oversight for the Student Success and Support (3SP), AANAPISI (Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institutions), Student Equity and Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) grants.

A staunch advocate for student success, Dr. Mosby continues to serve in various capacities within higher education, developing new programs and services, and has served on numerous committees addressing the areas of fiscal and institutional planning, accreditation, educational policy, enrollment management, equity and access at both the local and statewide levels.

Dr. Mosby’s professional history includes rich experiences across a variety of higher educational settings. He has served in undergraduate and graduate admissions, outreach and recruitment, Advancement and Residential Life in the community college, California State University and private college systems. His work experience also includes that of Adjunct Faculty, teaching undergraduate and graduate & Doctoral level courses at the Community College and four-year institutions. His research interests are rooted in the belief of servant leadership, social justice and equity.

Dr. Mosby was selected as a 2017-18 Aspen Presidential Fellow for Community College Excellence, a rigorous ten-month executive leadership program for aspiring community college presidents led by the Aspen Institute. One of thirty-eight leaders selected across the nation.

Dr. Mosby holds a BA in English from St. Mary’s College, a MA in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of the Pacific and a Ph.D. in Leadership/Higher Educational Administration from the University of San Diego.

Dr. Rowena Tomaneng
Berkeley City CollegeDr. Rowena Tomaneng

Dr. Rowena M. Tomaneng has been President of Berkeley City College (BCC) in the Peralta Community College District (PCCD) since July 2016. Prior to BCC, she served a variety of roles at De Anza College in the Foothill-De Anza Community College District for 20 years: tenured faculty member teaching English, intercultural studies, and women’s studies; faculty director for the Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action (VIDA), Dean of Language Arts, Dean of Learning Resources, and Associate Vice President of Instruction (AVPI). As De Anza’s AVPI of Instruction from 2010-2016, Dr. Tomaneng oversaw student-centered offices and programs, including the Office of Equity, Staff and Professional Development, Pathways programs such as Puente, Umoja, First Year Experience. She was also responsible for implementing federal grants such as Title III Strengthening Institutions and Asian American Native American Pacific Islander (AANAPISI) and CA statewide initiatives such as Basic Skills, Student Equity, and Student Success and Support Programs (SSSP).

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